Products + Services

Inspiration for Change

Cense provides leaders with the knowledge, skills, tools, mindsets and strategies to guide and lead change. Through original content and expert curation of the best research, thought leadership, and case studies in innovation, Cense is a home for learning how to design for living systems.

Our publications (Censemaking) and newsletters (Censemaking, The Design Loft, and The Innovator’s Dilemmas) provide practical, future-minded, and impact-oriented tips, tools, and training for leaders seeking to make sense of complexity and act in spite of it.

For more on our thought leadership and ideas about innovation, change, and creativity, visit us at Censemaking

Our Products & Services

Our strategic design services are designed for leaders who have the vision to support health and wellbeing and have the levers to take action and put that vision into reality. We support those leaders in getting from here to there.

Our strategic design approach encompasses connecting strategy, evaluation (feedback), and developing effective systems to promote adaptation, innovation and healthy growth. Specifically, these include:

  1. Strategic planning: Develop the kind of robust strategic plans that can guide your organization into the future and help you achieve your goals in ways that respect complexity, rather than denying it. We create impact by design — and that means creating plans that marry ambition with pragmatism and creativity.
  2. Professional evaluation: Feedback and learning is at heart of adaptation, resilience, and high performance. Our Credentialed Evaluation Services provide you with evaluation designs that generate the evidence you need to excel at what you do.
  3. Service design: Connecting your strategy and evidence to what you do with the services you provide is the third key pillar of our work. We help ensure your services are fit for purpose and bring our professional service and systemic design expertise to our work helping you build the right models and implement it with care for impact.

Education and Leadership

We’ve built our company based on the idea that everyone should have access to the tools and strategies to support innovation, change, and achieving impact to promote health, wellbeing and sustainability. To do that, we regularly produce newsletters, educational content, and toolkits to help leaders and service professionals get better at what they do. Most of what we offer is free of charge and designed for the everyday context of working in health systems.

The Censemaking Innovation Newsletter. A bi-weekly newsletter for students, teachers, and leaders in any field who want to learn about what makes change happen: psychology, strategic design, systems thinking, foresight and evaluation. This newsletter brings the best practice, research and case studies to help make a positive difference to you as a leader and change-maker.

The Design Loft. A design-focused newsletter and training program for those seeking to elevate their impact. This training program and weekly newsletter brings together lessons design and evaluation together to help designers and evaluators make things better by making better things.

The Innovator’s Dilemma’s. Periodic reflections from our Principal on the practice-based dilemmas that change-making and designers face in efforts to make things better. What does it mean to design change? How do you know you’ve made a difference? This is for leaders and practitioners in design, evaluation, social innovation and anyone who faces the complexity of leading and facilitating change.

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